Flip Up Your Routine

Habits of the New Year’s resolution wearing thin? Simply reached a plateau with your exercise regime? Now could be the perfect time to flip it up and make sure that the wheels are firmly on the wellbeing wagon!

Stalling on your routine is normal when it comes to exercise. If we do the same thing for a long period of time, things can soon get boring, and we’ll find a reason to stop. That’s why it’s important to introduce some change to take things to the next level or stay on track.

What are the benefits of mixing it up?

-          Reduce the risk of injury from overworking/ underworking a certain element or muscle group

-          Avoid boredom

-          Ignite the sense of challenge

-          Learn something new

How often should I change what I’m doing?

Whilst change is good sometimes, we need to do something long enough to see benefits. So, how long should we wait? This varies depending on the type of exercise that you are doing, but a general guide would be to add an element of change or progression every few weeks. That way you can keep track of your progress and not lose focus of your goals.

4 ways to flip your exercise routine

  1. Focus on a new element of fitness

Why not add a new element of fitness to your routine that you could be missing out on? Downward dog your way to better flexibility, race your way to better cardiovascular fitness or lift your way to a whole new strength. Focusing on different areas of fitness can improve our overall health and adds a good element of variety to a routine.

2.       Try a new exercise

There are lots of variations on work out exercises in the gym and a variety of sports to try your hand at! Local community exercise groups are also a great way to meet people and try something different. Whilst attempting a new exercise can be daunting, you might discover something that you really enjoy doing!

3.       Increase the intensity or difficulty

If you’re finding your exercise routine too easy, then it’s a good chance that you’re ready to take it to the next level! Doing this can increase the sense of reward you get from working out and also improve the results that you will see. Increase the intensity and difficulty by reducing rest time, increasing the weights, going faster or going for longer. It is however important to make sure that these changes are gradual and over time to reduce your chance of injury.

4.       Set some SMART goals

Goals are a sure-fire way to keep us on track, but it’s important that we make them smart. That means:

Specific: To what you want to achieve.

Measurable: How are you going to track progress towards it? Set a way that you will know when this goal has been achieved.

Achievable: Is this goal challenging yet still achievable?

Realistic: Consider any obstacles that you might come across and make sure it’s something that you’re capable of.

Time framed: Set yourself a deadline and hold yourself accountable to it.


Give our top tips a go and enjoy the fun there to be had when flipping up your routine!


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