Physical Activity for Heart Health
Benefits to your heart
Aerobic exercise strengthens both the heart and lung muscles by improving cardio-respiratory fitness. Benefits include lower blood pressure, improved cholesterol, and helps you to maintain a healthy weight. Exercise can boost mood, increase energy, reduce stress, improves self-esteem, sleep, cognition, and bone health.
Walking is a great starting point, it is free, available wherever you are, and is easy to do on a continual basis. Remember that it’s never too late to start exercising!
Cardiovascular exercise
Aerobic activity or “cardio” refers to any form of physical activity or exercise that gets your heart rate up. There are two main types -
Moderate intensity activity causes your heart to beat a little faster and makes breathing harder than normal, but you should still able to carry a conversation. A brisk walk, riding a bike, dancing, water aerobics or gentle jog all constitute moderate activity.
Vigorous activity causes the heart to beat much faster and makes breathing heavier than normal, so much so, that you cannot keep a conversation going. Activities include running, football, squash, aerobics, fast cycling, circuit training.
Keep in mind, physical activity is for everyone and any level of activity is better for your health than none at all.