Tips for starting a positive New Year


A positive outlook can set us up for a resilient year ahead. We have put together some tips for starting the New Year on an optimistic note.

Take time to rest

Our bodies and minds need time to recover and there is nothing to gain from powering on and pretending you are a machine. For example, if you are ill or overexerting yourself, make sure that you give your mind and body time to recover, learn when to take a break this new year. Sleeping is our body’s time to recover from a day of hard work. Improve your sleep this new year by relaxing before bed, for example, try changing into comfortable sleepwear or sip on warm herbal tea to unwind in the evenings.

Hold onto daily rituals

If you enjoy listening to music for half an hour before bed, reading an interesting book, or indulging in some skincare rituals, don't give it up in favour of household chores or work. Our everyday practices help keep us calm and centred, leaving us less stressed and carving out time for self-care is always beneficial.

Think positive thoughts

Affirmations are clear, positive statements that encapsulate what you want to make a reality. These can help you to challenge and overcome negative thoughts. Repeating and believing in them can help you to make positive changes.

Tune into gratitude

Practising gratitude can be a powerful personal development tool that can help you start feeling more grateful, and appreciative of the good things in your life. Thinking of 3 things you are grateful for and writing these down on paper is a great place to start. It can be anything that brings you joy such as nature, family, a warm bed or a good meal. This can bring satisfaction and peace into your life, especially during difficult times.

Do a deep clean

January is the perfect time to declutter, deep clean and organise your space. This can bring structure to messy surroundings, especially after the holidays, and cause less anxiety about clutter. Involve your family or housemates to help get the job done quicker!

Begin a bullet journal

Bullet journals can be helpful to coordinate different aspects of your life into a streamlined system, helping productivity and reaching your personal and professional goals for the year. Keeping track of them can help you feel a sense of satisfaction every time you cross something off your list and reduce stress. Virtual apps such as Trello have great templates for bullet journaling for beginners.

Prioritising self-care is key to kickstart the New Year the right way and to making the most of the coming year ahead.


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