Winter is a time for comfort, warmth and watching movies by the fire. Over the coming months, you might have thoughts like, "it's too chilly to work out!" and "I'm too busy to go for a run", but staying active all year round is important for your overall health.

One of the most important things you can do for your health is to exercise regularly.

When the sun is shining and it's warm outside, getting out to exercise is simple. But what about in the winter, when you can feel the biting, chilling winds piercing deep into your bones?

It can be difficult to stay motivated when the dark mornings and evening arrive, bringing with them colder weather. But don’t give up, try to stay active whether you're inside or you dare to venture out in the cold. A little planning will help you stay active during the months ahead. Here are some suggestions to help with the motivation you need to get moving this winter:

1. Why not join a gym: Check out your college gym to see if there are any student deals! Many gyms offer free classes or student prices.

2. Join a sports club or society: You’d be surprised how many clubs there are. There really is something for everyone and it’s also a great way to make new friends.

3. Walk to school/ college/ uni: Instead of grabbing that 10 minute bus ride, why not get up a bit earlier and get that activity in before your day even starts.

4. Create a home gym: A terrific training space can be simply set up in your living room with the purchase of some reasonably priced equipment like resistance bands and a kettlebell. Or why not try filling up washing detergent bottles or large water bottles to act as dumbbells.

5. Buddy up: Exercise with a friend. By doing this you both are keeping active while also socializing. It can be helpful when you have someone to help keep you accountable for your goals.

6. Home workouts: If running or the gym doesn’t appeal to you, YouTube is a great place to find workouts that are guaranteed to put you in a better mood while also getting that heart rate up.

7. Feed the ears: Listen to a podcast or create a playlist to listen to while working out, you won’t notice the time passing.

Staying active even during those winter months is easier said than done but plays a crucial role in our health and wellbeing.  Try our tips to help you stay active this winter.

