Festive Wellbeing

The Christmas period is usually known for indulgence, which isn’t always a bad thing.

Everything-in-moderation will allow you to enjoy the festive period without attaching any guilt or rules to a time that is meant to be enjoyed..

The traditional Christmas dinner is nutritious!

The traditional Christmas dinner is actually a classically balanced meal. Turkey is a lean protein and provides sources of vitamins B6, B12, niacin, selenium and zinc. Potatoes contain carbohydrates, fibre, and potassium. Carrots, parsnips and brussels sprouts provide vitamins and fibre.

For additional health benefits, try:

  • Leaving the skin on your potatoes so you get some extra fibre. 

  • Roasting the potatoes in vegetable oil instead of goose fat and the turkey without large amounts of butter will help keep saturated fats lower. 

  • If drinking alcohol over the Christmas holidays, be sure to drink plenty of water both before and after, to help you and your body the next morning.  

  • The benefits of staying hydrated are endless, including cleansing of the body, helping to prevent and treat headaches, and regulating body temperature. 

Eating your food slowly and chewing properly can help to reduce your portion sizes, along with many other benefits including: 

  •  Increasing your feeling of fullness and satisfaction by sending signals to your brain, making you less likely to overeat.  

  • Helping with the digestion of your food, and therefore fewer gut-related problems.  

  • Allowing you to enjoy the food more and taste each bite to really savour the food. 

We hope you enjoy this festive season, and all of the food and drink that comes with it.

To keep yourselves ticking over during the Christmas period, give our “12 Days of Christmas" Workout a go - great to do in pairs or as a group, to really push each other!


Check out this month's recipe card, a Chicken, Tomato, Red Pepper & Kale Bowl


“Exercise Bites” and Physical Activity Recommendations


TAKE 15 - Workout with Westfield Health